Deamia funis

◊◊ Phytotaxa 576(2):220-226 (2022)"|

- Root-climbing and pendulous, irregularly branched, 12 cm-10 m long, 0.6-1.1 cm diameter, cylindric. Ribs ±8, rounded, covered with wax. Areoles 1-1.5 cm apart. Spines 4-18, orange to black, up to ±1.4 cm long. Flowers nocturnal, 8-10 cm long, actinomorph, funnel-shaped. Pericarpel ±1 cm long, with felt and hairs. Receptacle pale green to greenish yellow, 5-7 cm long, with white to orange hairlike spines and sometimes a few spines. Outer tepals pale yellow green to white, sometimes with a brown tip. Inner tepals white. Stamens numerous, in two rows, 1.5-3 cm long, white. Style 6-8 cm long, stigma white to creame, exerted among or slightly beyond the anthers. Unripe fruit yellowish green, 2-2.5 cm diameter, ovoid, with ±20 spines.

- Nicaragua (T: Matagalpa). In cloud forest on 300-450 m. Flowering period january to april.